7 Tips To Protect Hair From London’s Hard Water


Protect Hair From Londons Hard Water

When your tap is swishing out hard water, then no amount of conditioner or styling sprays would work! Hard water affects the texture and health of your hair greatly. It’s awful how London’s hard water does the same to your hair.

It’s a universal myth that water has no types other than salt water and the fresh water, even water has its types. You don’t have to be a hydrologist, water engineer, water sommelier, etc. to know that all water is not the same. The hardness of water depends on the mineral intensity in the water. Water type can vary from state to state or even from city to city. It’s most noticeable when you go on a trip somewhere out of town because unfortunately not all water helps when it comes to washing your hair.

What is hard water?

Hard water is explained as water with high levels of mineral content – calcium, and magnesium. In London, the water passes through underground areas with chalk and limestone geology. Though there is no direct health effect caused by hard water, it has its own annoying side-effects. Due to multiple washing, the minerals dissolved in the hard water form a flimsy layer on the hair. This layer enables the moisture from entering hair follicles. Hard water results into dry, dull, frizzy, tangled and strange colored hair.

To protect the hair from hard water, here are few simple home remedies:

1. Vinegar Rinse

Vinegar Rinse

The acidic nature of vinegar helps in removing the scaly build-up from the hair. It also balances the pH level of hair by smoothening the cuticles of hair making it soft and silky.

Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 3 cups of water. After shampooing your hair, apply this solution and leave it for a couple of minutes. Rinse it thoroughly and repeat once in a week. Vinegar increases the shine and length of your hair. You can also use apple cider vinegar alternatively.

Note – Avoid using this remedy every day as it will make your hair dry.

2. Lemon/Lime Rinse

Lime Rinse

Just as vinegar, lemon juice is also acidic in nature. It will help remove buildup from the hair and bring back its shine and luster. In addition to this, the antiseptic properties of lemon help in removing dandruff and the hair will smell great too.

Go for a DIY lemon/lime rinse. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 3 cups of warm water. Mix the solution well and apply to the scalp after shampooing your hair. Let it rest for few minutes, and then rinse off.

Note – Avoid using this remedy too much as lime juice can lighten your hair over time.

3. Shampoo And Conditioner

Shampoo And Conditioner


Natural clarifying shampoos are the most effective for hard water. It increases he volume and shine of the hair, improves its texture and makes them smooth. Before buying a clarifying shampoo always see that the product has natural and safe ingredients.

Instead of using artificial or branded conditioner, it is a safe bet to use natural one at home. A natural leave-in conditioner like argan oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil will surely add a glossy touch to your hairs.

4. Use A Chelating Shampoo

Chelating Shampoo

Chelating shampoos are agents that chemically bind to the minerals and leading the removal of minerals from your hair even before you know. Such shampoos are specially designed to prevent and eradicate mineral buildup from your hair. Many companies claim to see shampoos that are ‘clarifying,’ ‘chelating,’ and ‘neutralizing.’ To make sure you’re using the right product, buy the product with EDTA ingredient in it.

Note – One should also note that chelating shampoo weakens and strips the hair. So their usage should be limited to only once a week, followed by a powerful moisturizing conditioner.

5. Argan Oil

Argan Oil

Argan oil has the tendency to make your hair look glossiest, super moisturized and perfectly healthy. Since hard water causes your hair to dry out; argan oil helps in restoring the moisture. Take few drops of argan oil and rub on to damp hair after you’re done with the shower. You can also apply to the ends depending upon the dryness of hair. Be careful not to make your hair look greasy by applying minimal oil.

Note – Use only pure argan oil rather than a silicone-based hair product.

6. Shower Filter

Shower Filter

Unlike water softener, a shower filter is a cheaper option. Though not totally effective, it considerably reduces limescale, chlorine and many other chemicals from hard water. One can find various types of shower filter online. They are easily attachable to your shower unit.

7. Bottled Water

Bottled Water

If you’re still willing to spend for your hair care but your budget is tight. Bottled water is another good option. This is a good option if you’re temporarily visiting a hard water area or you’re looking out for a temporary solution.

Note – To avoid plastic waste, you can also use water from filter jug.

Following these tips will help you to maintain the softness of your hair. In all honesty “it’s all about exposure’’. These are some of the ways by which you can treat your hair from all the hardness.

